#WalkAway Takes PPP Money
The news story broken by Gay Today busting Brandon Straka for taking PPP funds meant for small businesses continues to evolve. As Gay Today reported, #WalkAway reported ONE employee.
SHOCKER: #WalkAway Representative reveals:
None of that money went to Brandon. All of it went to employees. He didn’t draw a salary from #WA Foundation in 2020. You can’t fault people for accepting paycheck protection when the organization is donation driven & the government has prevented people from working.
#WalkAway Spokesperson Theresa Bates 4/25/2021

PPP Loan Receipts Contradict the Official #WalkAway Statement

PPP Recipients Party in Hollywood
Both of these PPP recipients continue to party while continuing to shamelessly e-beg for additional funds.

Good Lord! It’s Ricky!

Mikey Harlow – #Walkaway Beefcake Idol

But who Wore it Better?